Buying into a Community Scheme or stepping into the role of a Trustee can seem intimidating. We are proud to offer the TRACS Introductory Guide for Sectional Title Owners free of charge!
TRACS can teach you:
- The benefits, duties, and responsibilities of Sectional Title Property Ownership
- How to handle Sectional Title levies (every levy type comes with its own nuances!)
- How to deal with trustees, managing agents, and insurance
- How to successfully participate in a Sectional Title Property owners’ meeting
- How to navigate the Community Schemes Ombud Service
What is TRACS?
TRACS, or TRaining Academy for Community Schemes, is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating an industry in the arts of property ownership, management, and more.
What are community schemes? Community Schemes include homeowners’ associations, retirement villages, gated communities, share-block buildings, sectional title schemes, and even social co-operatives. “Community schemes” may seem like a new buzzword, but in truth it is an umbrella term for the many areas of the property industry currently regulated by the Department of Human Settlements.
How to Sign Up
You can register for the courses through this hyperlink here. Once the webpage opens, click on the purple button near the top right of the screen, or scroll down a little and click where it says “register now”, which will also be in purple. Registering requires you to write down your first and last names, preferred email, home language, in what capacity you are participating, and your main reasons for enrolling.
From there you can follow the prompts to set your username and password.
When you research on your own, a lot of the learning ends up needing to be proven all over again before others will listen. In a management or leadership position, this can be a major hassle. By taking on our courses, not only will you get a leg up in your knowledge and practical abilities, but you will also have an easy way of communicating it to those you’re working with, helping everyone you work with get up to speed faster as you navigate your role within the field of property.
To contact ANGOR with any questions, or for financial and property management advice, please go to:\
Also read: Useful Sectional Title terms and Sectional title levies – What am I paying for?