Specialist Managing Agents
ANGOR is a specialist Managing Agent focusing on the financial management of Residential Complexes and Estates. We manage over 55 000 units in over 560 complexes and estates situated in Gauteng, the Western Cape, North West Province, Limpopo and Kwazulu Natal. We are one of the largest Managing Agents in South Africa.
Separate Trust Accounts
ANGOR opens a separate Trust Account for each complex and estate. This trust account is audited and is balanced Real-Time using ABSA host-to-host. Bank statements can be viewed by Scheme Executives on the ANGOR Online platform.
Portfolio Specialists are supported by Specialist Teams
At ANGOR, each scheme is allocated to a Portfolio Specialist who is supported by Portfolio Specialist Administrators, a Financial Controller (CIMA Intern / CIMA ), Help Desk Administrators, Insurance Liaisons, Clearance Specialists and Tax & Audit Administrators. Each Portfolio Specialist oversees a limited number of Schemes allowing better client service.
Our unique software allows the ANGOR team access to all pertinent information pertaining to the Scheme including sent letters, newsletters, paid invoices and insurance policy information. Every team member receiving queries is available to assist, ensuring that queries are resolved as quickly as possible.
Our Portfolio Specialists are required to complete the Sectional Title Management Certificate through the University of Cape Town (Paddocks). Regular meetings with service providers and NAMA ensure that our teams are up to date on developments in the industry.
The Financial Controllers are honour students completing their CIMA (Chartered Institution of Management Accountants) graduate program with ANGOR.
Custom-Built Online System
We have a unique online system that is updated in real-time by team members. ANGOR online allows owners and Scheme Executives to view a vast mine of information regarding their complex/estate. Owners can view levy statements, conduct rules, meeting notices & minutes and so much more. Trustees and Directors can also view pertinent financial information and bank account balances. ANGOR can be contacted via Live Chat on ANGOR Online, saving you time.
2 Branches in South Africa: Head Office in Gauteng and a Satellite Branch in the Western Cape
ANGOR’s Property Management division has 2 branches in South Africa: Our head office in Bryanston, Gauteng and a satellite branch in Stellenbosch, Western Cape.
The Western Cape was identified as an area of growth for ANGOR due to high demand from our existing clients: Investors and Developers with residential properties in Gauteng and the Cape. With support and encouragement from our clients, the decision was made to extend our expertise to the apartment, townhouse and cluster development market in the Western Cape. This growing market of complexes and estates needs a team of specialists with extensive knowledge of sectional title and homeowners association management, to ensure that their funds are secure, well-managed and insured, and that the development complies with relevant legislation.

Looking for a new Managing Agent for your complex?

Download Sectional Titles Act, 96 of 1986

Download Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act, 8 of 2011 and Regulations, 2016