Maintenance Monsters – Quality Control
Electrical faults! Leaking roofs! Blocked drains! Broken toilets! Geysers suddenly not heating! These are all part of everyday life. And they always seem to happen at the worst possible moment when it’s a busy day and you have a hundred bills to pay and things to do.
Understanding the ANGOR maintenance process up front is the best way to know exactly what can and cannot be done, who to call with specific problems, and what you need to deal with privately or via an insurance claim or ANGOR agent. You can save yourself so much time and frustration this way.
The ANGOR Difference – Quality and Reliability Come First
ANGOR specializes in the financial and administrative management of property Schemes. While other companies may offer in-house maintenance workers, and there is nothing wrong with that, it does tend to take the eye off the ball.
There is a defining difference between how ANGOR Property Specialists handle maintenance issues and how other property agents and managers might do it, and there is a very good reason for this.
By outsourcing and separating maintenance from property management that means that quality, affordability and accessibility is easier to maintain in the long run. Why?
Quality Control
It’s a bit of a buzzword in South Africa, but we all know the terrible impact corruption has had on our economy and society. It’s a very common problem within the maintenance and property industries: kickbacks, shoddy workmanship by some friend of a friend, lost downpayments because the contractor disappears or simply doesn’t turn up to the job or does half a job.
Getting money out of a contractor who has skipped the job or made more problems than they fixed is often a situation that is almost impossible to resolve, even if you manage to get them into the legal process.
ANGOR decided to combat these age-old problems with a very clear and decisive quality management system for maintenance processes:
- The use of eftsure Africa to ensure that their banking details are correct, approved and compliant;
- A tried-and-tested maintenance policy and process, that includes each property Scheme having a 10-year maintenance plan drawn up in accordance with its Body Corporate requirements. A variety of companies can assist Schemes with drawing up this plan. The maintenance plan lists the major capital items, their current state, their projected lifespan and the estimated cost of repair or maintenance of the item. It should state what must happen and when. As part of ANGOR’s service monthly reports are issued on the financial situation of the Scheme. (For more information read: What is the 10-year Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Plan)
Where the Scheme does not employ the services of an estate manager/ caretaker, and upon request, ANGOR shall assist with supplying the names and contact details of suppliers and/or contractors, and/or obtain a quotation from the relevant suppliers and/or contractors.
It is important to note that ANGOR assumes no responsibility for the service received from the suppliers and/ or contractor, nor does ANGOR make any recommendations as to the quality of work of the contractor.
Use of any of the suppliers and/or contractors is entirely at the risk of the Scheme and all negotiations, discussions, payment, and finalization of work are to be communicated purely between the suppliers and/ or contractor and the Scheme.
Read More: Types of Maintenance in the sectional title environment and Reporting an insured event